could be you


Human Resources Department of CCE Metal seeks applicants for the vacancies who are in sync with vision, mission and values of the company. All the applications coming through company’s e-mail, are carefully evaluated by our HR Department. Qualified applicants are further invited for interviews with line managers and senior executives of a relevant department. Applicants who successfully passed are offered for the job.

Orientation Program

Orientation Program is intended to help our new employees to adapt, and to give them some information about the company rules and policies and organizational structure CCE Metal. A senior person from the department where the new employee will work is appointed to help him with adaptation and orientation.


Our priority is to ensure continuous and well-rounded development of our employees and therefore we create a training program for the next year covering the needs for personal, managerial and professional development.

Job Application

All the applicants willing to work in our company may e-mail their CVs to